Off This Wall | Teen Ink

Off This Wall

May 5, 2008
By Anonymous

I locked the door
and here I stand,
All alone on the roof;
staring down at the land.
I see people walking round,
Walking, Talking, Thinking, Breathing.

I sit on the ledge,
-to get a better look-
then I begin to think, and suppose.
Oh the people-I Overlook.

Ah, yes, that lady in red,
Unwed, Daring, Loving, and Brave;
-completely unaware that her guy is a shmuck-

But look at that man,
Big -and Strong-
-with a mustache under his nose-
Putting out a fire with his big hose.

As I sit here;
wondering, and supposing;
Someone Shrieks
They’re jumping, jumping.
Then suddenly, a thumping;
-from the locked door-
scared I flinch-
then fall-
Another Jumper hit the Wall.

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