Vampire | Teen Ink


May 6, 2008
By Anonymous

Roses are red
Your veins are blue
Your looks make me curious
Give me a clue

My heart skips a beat
When I smell your sweet breath
For every time you kiss me
You don’t bite my neck

Our love is so deep
It is to hard to keep
Your razor sharp teeth
Are hidden beneath

Your eyes are deep black
Like the dark twilight sky
You try to keep me safe….
From the dark shadow that flies

When my close death comes to ballet
A bloody mirrored room is all to say
The venom spreads like burning fire
Because of you I will not expire

Roses are red
Your veins are blue
I beg you please, Edward
Make me just like you

*This poem is based off of the book "Twilight" by: Stephanie Meyer

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