Pause for a Sec | Teen Ink

Pause for a Sec

September 23, 2007
By Anonymous

Poverty, Obesity, Wars and no Humanity
Sexism, Terrorism, Aids and Racism,

Genocides, pollution heating up our Earth
Still all we think about is how much is this worth

Watching our coastlines slip away
Cancer affects us everyday

Think about roll call more and more absentees
On Christmas these kids probably have empty trees

Drugs, Gangs and alcohol hey there’s Robin Hood
A lake full of problems, with a few drops of good

Overloaded with causes all of them need aid
Should we just sit and wait, hope everyone’s prayed

Then what’s the point of life, we got to take action
Don’t sit around and wait for the world’s reaction

Wishing I could go back in time
Just listen to the river and the forests chime

No use in thinking about the past
Let’s make what we’ve got last

Stop wasting our resources that our dwindling
Maybe it would help if we would all stop swindling

There are problems in every century
I think ours are caused though because everyone’s thinking
Me, me, me

Pause for a sec
Put your life in check

Think about the future
We still have a chance
Let’s keep the end of the book a mystery
And write our own history

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