Sweet Aunt Rose | Teen Ink

Sweet Aunt Rose

April 7, 2008
By Anonymous

Sunshine bright,
Full of life,
Ripe as can be,
Vibrant is the rose.

Gentle as a flower,
Beautiful as life,
Soft as can be,
Sweet Aunt Rose.

Time passes by,
Days grow cold,
Summer is fading,
Wrinkled is the rose.

Age has worn,
Hands grown cold,
Your smile is fading,
Sweet Aunt Rose?

Petals fall,
Red turns gray,
Aching like old,
Tired is the rose.

Eyes full of life,
Dim to gray,
Your getting old,
Sweet Aunt Rose.

Cold and gray,
Summer has closed,
Life fades,
Dead is the rose.

Completely still...
Eyes forever closed...
Memories never fade...
Sweet Aunt Rose.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jul. 14 2009 at 3:20 am
dirtbiker2012 SILVER, Lawson, Missouri
9 articles 0 photos 25 comments
awww thatz a sad poem but good!!