Broken Wings | Teen Ink

Broken Wings

February 20, 2012
By littlesongbird BRONZE, Boxford, Massachusetts
littlesongbird BRONZE, Boxford, Massachusetts
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Beauty is truth, truth beauty--that is all<br /> Ye know on Earth, and all ye need to know.&quot;<br /> --John Keats

No one knows her name.
There is nothing that she does say
All day long, in her eyes locked away
Is a frightened beast no one can tame.

No one knows why she stands apart.
She does not speak, she only smiles
All day long, through its joys and trials
The monster of her past eats away at her heart.

No one knows where she came from.
When she is asked, she simply walks away
All day long, she does go astray
Running away from what she has become.

She is the only one who knows.
Who knows her name, her origins, her one and only truth:
No matter what had been done to her in her early youth
She knew what, in the end, fate finally chose.

She is an angel.

That is why she stands away from the crowd.
She is frightened that, if her wings unfurled
They would be seen by the whole world
And then those wings she would have to shroud.

She did not want to live this way.
She wanted to stand among her peers
Her heart protected with happiness and cheer
Calming the beast, leading the monster astray.

She only wanted love.
She only wanted to fill her heart with joy
The burdens of her past, she wanted to destroy
And gain the strength to fly above.

But, of course, nobody cared for a forgotten angel.

The author's comments:
I wrote this for a project in the 7th grade, along with two other poems and some articles. Tell me what you think!

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