Domain | Teen Ink


July 7, 2008
By Anonymous

His warmth infects you
His heart consumes you
Full, oh, fool-hearted,
He drinks you into emptiness:
An already drained flask

When the time arrives:
Blooming roses are leeched from your cheeks
Frozen leaves give way to deathly pallor
What has happened?

Ice ravages the forest
The moon vows revenge
What was he building in there?
What is that tune he's constantly whistling?

His warmth infects you (setting plots in stone)
His heart consumes you (already full with self-destruction)
Full, you fool! he drinks you into oblivion!

He cannot be assuaged (brimming with lust)
He's emptied your soul twice before
You don't even realize you are a shell

Oh, don't mind me
You're in his world now
What's that tune you're constantly whistling?

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