Forgotten Princess | Teen Ink

Forgotten Princess

May 7, 2012
By chloasaurusrexXD BRONZE, Northampton, Pennsylvania
chloasaurusrexXD BRONZE, Northampton, Pennsylvania
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

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We're all a little weird, and life's a little weird, and when we find someone who's weirdness is compatable with ours, we join with them and fall into mutual weirdness, and call it love

I see you have ambitions.
I see that you have dreams.
I see you calling out,
but they can’t hear your screams.
You built your castle walls
miles from the king,
hiding what you could,
so no one else could see.
So tortured by your demons,
but they still hold the key.
This silent wall inside yourself
you thought I couldn’t see.

You built your ladder far,
beyond sick words and still
you’re reaching for the stars
you’re goal can’t be fulfilled.
I see you hiding there,
beneath dark locks of hair,
matching eyes like charcoal clouds,
always looking so far down
were your sorrows pull you
until you’re drowning in the blue
sapphire skies hold unshed drops
all the life inside you stops

You hang your head
you’re all alone
high in your tower room
no hand to hold,
dreaming out the window
no one sees your wounds.

I know this girl,
I only wish
that somehow she could see
but a few steps back
and I realize
that she is really me.

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This article has 2 comments.

on Jun. 26 2012 at 9:18 pm
Cheeriosareoverrated, Northampton, Pennsylvania
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment

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I my not look like much but i'm pro at pretenting to be a ninja!

it's soooooooooooo cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!loving it!!!<3

on May. 10 2012 at 5:15 pm
Kestrel PLATINUM, Warrenton, Virginia
29 articles 11 photos 189 comments

Favorite Quote:
-There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy. (Shakespeare, Hamlet)

I love it! Great job; keep writing! I really like how you wrote this.