Stranger | Teen Ink


July 17, 2008
By Anonymous

A man with many words,
And a rhythm in his voice,
Stopped me on the streets,
And before I had a choice,
Took my arm and smiled,
Displaying but few teeth.
And before I had a chance,
The man began to speak,
"Would you prefer the road most taken,
Or the one less traveled by?
Have you seen the mysterious stranger,
With the blindness in one eye?
When you gaze upon a glass,
Is it half empty or half full?
Have you ever thrown the pebbles in,
To reach the water in the bowl?
Are you like the fox and grapes,
Are things sour when uneasy?
Is it to each his own,
Or do you find yourself less pleasing?
For you see my younger friend,
It is not what others may have chosen.
For someone else's meat,
Can be another's poison."

The author's comments:
This poem is based upon the morals of Aesop's Fables, so I have to give him at least some credit for what he inspired me to create.

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