golden opportunity | Teen Ink

golden opportunity

July 21, 2008
By Anonymous

In this modern country
we came here to pursue
the golden opportunity,
but the other immigrants disagree because they saw nothing
but greed in me
smartly we balanced their
painful insults
and swallowed them like mature adults
therefore we've stuck to our
compromise to acheive the goal
we set for ourselfs even
if others think it's sour
but what they need to understand is
we've all come here to pursue
the same dream
and that's why we're here
taking a stand
so let's just be glad
we've had a privilege
the kind that our people back home
will kill for
if they had and opportunity
like this to die for.

The author's comments:
i wrote this poem because since me and my family moved to the united states things has been kind of hard for us. so i just wrote this to express how i feel.

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