What Dance is to Me | Teen Ink

What Dance is to Me

July 21, 2008
By Anonymous

I put my heart and soul into this.
The beat is loud and I'm with it.
I can hear the music,
Rushing into my veins.
It's amazing, such a beautiful thing.
My body expresses that passion,
Curving and twisting,
Contorting into figures of grace.
What you see is my experience
With my inner solace.
I battle myself whether to come all out,
Or to leave a little mystery
As to where I get my inspiration,
What makes me do this,
Who has taught me.
These movements I make
Are of my thinking, my creation.
I let my body do the talking.
Pay attention closely.
I'm a storyteller with a history.
My past is revealed through
The reality of my waking,
This is what dance is to me.

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