The Truth | Teen Ink

The Truth

July 21, 2008
By SprBblMusic BRONZE, Frederick, Maryland
SprBblMusic BRONZE, Frederick, Maryland
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You say one thing
You mean another
You try to be up front
While hiding beneath a cover
Why are you so selfish?
and why so ignorant?
What exactly does love mean to you
or should i say meant?
I've never known someone so fake
someone who can't speak the truth
someone so terribly insecure
someone so cruel, someone like you
why do you have to be like this
you started off quite fine
you would always say how much you care
i guess that was just another "line"
I just sit around and remember
of how much i used to enjoy your name
and how i so dearly loved
to play our little game
but now i finally know
that you aren't at all what i thought
and it's a damn shame too,
Beacuse i really liked you a lot

The author's comments:
This is what happend to me 2 weeks ago

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