I promise, | Teen Ink

I promise,

July 22, 2008
By Anonymous

I feel lost and found,
The rate my mind changes isn't right,
Is profound.
I've lost too many things,
Special to have from the start.
I will never go down the same road,
That broke this family's heart.
As I have it in me to change the world,
Our lives are spinning,
In a dangerous twirl.
I'll never give up, I promise I'll make you proud.
You're the best thing that's happened to me,
You sing in my heart loud.
I will change our lives to good.
I want to give you everything I could.
Our hearts will learn how to fight,
Every hurt that we felt,
I want you to know this everyday and night,
That you're my star, you shine so bright.

The author's comments:
To my sister.

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