Who, Not What | Teen Ink

Who, Not What

July 23, 2008
By Anonymous

Think of me as a flower
So young and gay
In the new morning

The dew settles on my cheek
Illuminating my presence in the world

But I have not opened yet
For I am still deciding
Who Am I To Be?

Everyone says
You are a flower!
That is what you are

But no, I say no
That is my shell
Not who I am

I am beautiful
On the outside
Streaked with different colours and lines
My shape delicate to the touch

But the inside?

No, I say no
I am not a flower
And with this I realize

I am something more
I am defiant to be only that
Defiant to be only a flower

I am original
I am unique
And with this I am triumphant

Because I know who I am
And not what I am!
I am not a what
But a who

And I am me
Purely me
And not a flower

I open up into the new day

The author's comments:
When I write poetry, I try to did deeper to find a truth instead of writing just about something regular. I think poetry is meant to help people realize things that they are normally blinded from.

In my piece, I decided to show a similarity between people and flowers. We are all alike, until we open up. And we are not open until we learn who we are. We are unique, never the same. And a human does not bloom into the world, until they find out who they truly are. Who, Not What.

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