Sorry | Teen Ink


July 24, 2008
By Anonymous

Staring into the sea of the faceless

Their waves of solace drown you

The last thing you need is their cheap embrace and another bouquet

They say they're "so sorry,"

They don't know the first thing about sorry

Sorry is forgetting to say "I love you"

Sorry is being too busy to call

Sorry is screaming as though they still hear you

Begging them to open their beautiful eyes

Just one last time

So you can bask in the glow of their stare

"Sorry" are the boxes left in their room

Filled with the possessions of a daydreamer

Sorry is their scent still lingering after all these years

Sorry is the old family photograph on the mantle piece

Flowers are not sorry

Words are not sorry

Nor are half-hearted smiles

Ill-prepared speeches

Or casseroles

Spare me your thoughts on this

Don't tell me this will be ok

There's nothing you can say

You know this, yet still you remain here

I hate you.

I hate your stupid expression

I hate that you try to understand

I hate that you stick around through it all

I hate that you are hugging me

I hate that you are crying with me

I hate that you won't listen when I say "just leave."

I love you for knowing better.

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