Deepest Words | Teen Ink

Deepest Words

May 21, 2008
By Anonymous

Things aren't what they seem to be
Oh baby come to me
Read between the lines
Someday you'll see
That we were meant to be
Believe in you and me

You must be blind
Because your the only one
Only one who can't see
Only one made for me

The deepest words are those unspoken
Come to me and fix my broken...

Girl things get crazy
Life's wild; mind goes hazy
No excuse; Skip the reasons
All love has its seasons
Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall
I've heard them all

Open speace find us there
Between you and me everywhere
Read between go on read between
sooner or later you'll know what I mean
I'm like an open book
Crack me open; Take a good look

The deepest words are those unspoken
Come to me and fix my broken...

Here's what you'll find
No need to rack your beautiful mind
Things aren't what they seem to be
Read between the lines; go on and read
Someday you'll see we were meant to be
Just believe in you and me

The deepest words are those unspoken
Come to me and fix my broken...

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