The Story of a Mother | Teen Ink

The Story of a Mother

May 3, 2008
By Anonymous

Something has blossomed inside of me
Expelling shattered plates of ice cold.
A warm kindle have you set in my heart?
For blazing embers sear.

Our spirits are held together
By a helix of land and expression.
Leave this duo well alone
For splits are lost in yonder.

I hear Aphrodite through my heart
Interrupting a twisted silence.
And it hits, the truth, the well found truth
Your gaze is straight into mine

Ignorance floods naivety
And suddenly we are back to the beginning
Each thread flows with pits of felicity
Your heart sprouts wings that was never known.

What surprised me most
Is that for one moment
Just one.
You were more than just a mother.

You made me complete.

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