Darkness of My Story | Teen Ink

Darkness of My Story

May 13, 2008
By Anonymous

Is my story all that different,
Am I a person unlike the rest,
Am I really that twisted and bent,
Is my story still in the darkness.

When I lay in bed I think of whats to come,
I slowly drift into my word unsaid,
Thoughts trail me off to the places I am from,
Then bring me back to thoughts of the living and dead.

Is my story all that different,
Am I a person unlike the rest,
Am I really that twisted and bent,
Is my story still in the darkness.

The time comes when things must change,
Life goes on and new things appear,
People move and don't stay the same,
Events are still to come which puts us all in fear.

Is my story all that different,
Am I a person unlike the rest,
Am I really that twisted and bent,
Is my story still in the darkness.

I have found what I want to be,
No matter what comes my way,
I see who the person is inside me,
And that for now is all I can say,

Is my story all that different,
Am I a person unlike the rest,
Am I really that twisted and bent,
Is my story still in the darkness.

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