Elementary | Teen Ink


July 28, 2012
By jillyxox BRONZE, Hatfield, Massachusetts
jillyxox BRONZE, Hatfield, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Jagged woodchips scrape my knees
An elementary school day
Climb higher, higher through the trees

Jump off the swing set, feel the breeze
Sticky hands hold a dandelion bouquet
Jagged woodchips scrape my knees

Endless sky, humming bees
Fifth grade denim starting to fray
Climb higher, higher, through the trees

Milk cartons, cafeteria peas
Don’t care to learn, only to play
Jagged woodchips scrape my knees

Monkey bars, the playground trapeze
Cares and worries, so far astray
Climb higher, higher through the trees

Untouched bliss, so ill at ease
Life won’t always be this way
Jagged woodchips scrape my knees
Climb higher, higher through the trees

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