Tears Of Winter | Teen Ink

Tears Of Winter

January 5, 2008
By Anonymous

She cast her eyes upon
her window, as the wind
rushes and the tears of winter fall.
She takes no coat, no gloves
when she steps outside. She
meets him in the middle of
the street, as cold encloses them,
bringing the tenderness
of winter.
She kisses him, as they stand
with no space between
They kiss so tenderly, as
the grey sky sprinkles
the tears of winter upon their heads,
flakes swirling
with quiescence’s melody.
Love and winter are silent today,
and she lets the tears of winter
drift away.

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This article has 1 comment.

shelbywriter said...
on Aug. 20 2008 at 2:45 am
wow shelby this is a really great poem. it is just so awesome. finally you got published. well you are the coolest person in the world and you should keep writing...