The Promise of a Brother | Teen Ink

The Promise of a Brother

December 12, 2012
By live.laugh.dream. SILVER, Allen, Texas
live.laugh.dream. SILVER, Allen, Texas
6 articles 0 photos 2 comments

For seventeen years we've grown together,
Kindness and passion shown through his sweet acts.
I love you brother, forever my protector.

A strange kinship we have, he six years my elder,
I, nothing but annoyance in his tracks.
He reassures me, we'll always be together.

To entertain, his tricks are quite clever,
Sometimes sending me into panic attacks.
I love you brother, forever my protector.

When laughter erupts, he joins in with pleasure,
But when despair strikes, it's me he distracts.
He reassures me, we'll always be together.

Recently, light in his eyes appear never,
When affection comes close, he quickly retracts.
I love you brother, forever my protector.

Living through highs and lows, we however,
Have each others backs, we've made our pacts.
He reassures me, we'll always be together.
I love you brother, forever my protector.

The author's comments:
This specific poem is a Villanelle; it has a specific rhyming pattern with line repetition. The lines are each supposed to be 10 syllables, however mine are off just a bit!

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