Affection | Teen Ink


February 5, 2008
By Anonymous

Following like the moonlight giving guidance to the tides,
Tears of joy the earth cries,
As waves cascade into eyes,
Breaking blind stares so that we recognize,
Our affection is honest as the sun's rise,
Honest as divine wind flying to greet the meat of the mind,
Where juicy imagination caresses every horizon line,
Honest as my love,
True to the universe's extent as it bends to keep our fantasies twisted,
With realities tornados of perplexing emotion,
All that hasn't been tattooed with my goddess's sacred ink,
Is not in my realm of dreams and sleepless nights,
Sleepless nights where she has penetrated my thoughts,
Licking my pupils so that with shuteyes,
I do not see sleep approaching replaced by her love,
I would tell her of my fixation but she is sliding through my throat,
I would try to cough her up but she is filling up my lungs,
And I choke,
Suffocation was never so breath taking

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This article has 1 comment.

Kaotic Drake said...
on Nov. 5 2008 at 2:50 pm
I like it immensely. The imagery is good as is the fact that in the entire poem, you used the title word only once. I hope you continue to submit works here, even if you are trying to get further published elsewhere.