Society; One of the meanest bully has taken over. | Teen Ink

Society; One of the meanest bully has taken over.

February 4, 2013
By Anonymous

They are hurting us both emotionally and Physically.
Society is Miserly.Society has corrupted our mind.
Because of society, I starve myself to be skinny.
I cut my arms until I get dizzy
because I'm depressed. .
I cry myself to sleep because I feel like I'm worthless.

I've tried to kill myself because society hated me.
Because society tells me that I’m not good enough.
Not pretty enough,
or smart enough,
or skinny enough, or tan enough, or popular/cool enough.
Society has corrupted our mind.
We started caring about things that we never cared about when we were kid
But once, we grew up, Society took us in. Society rilled us in. We started to know everything. Everything we didn't want to know before.

Society labelled us
Queen bees
Nerds (ETC)
We try to fit in because of society.
we started to care about what we looked like and what we wear
because society is always there to judge us.
I censured society! When society stops their depravity, I'll be alleviated.
Society taught us to start caring about what people thought of us
rather than what we thought of ourselves.We can't be ourselves.

Society Killed us all .

The author's comments:
What Inspired me to write this poetry is because All my life, I've never fit in, No matter where I go, People always Judge me and I feel the need to write my feelings down somewhere.

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