I've Seen Myself Invisible | Teen Ink

I've Seen Myself Invisible

April 23, 2008
By Anonymous

I’ve seen myself invisible

Sitting in the station
Everything was me and I was nothing
Holding my breath but—down, down, down
Drowning in the waves of sidewalks and the rivers of road
Where do they all go when nighttime becomes fake,
And I know it should be day,

Callused East ignores the boy
In the Blood red turtleneck

Saying hello to eternity,
The cars passing in the night
Through the deafening silence
Of the travelers’ conscious—
Being a liar doesn’t make you a lie
Truth is for reality

Not life.

Innocence is falling
Like the leaves on the trees on the street

Fake trees on the inside
Buildings made of depression smell of unwashed despair
Under chocolate-coated vitamin skies

I can’t swallow the world

The World was made for the gray-flannel suit
Gold monogrammed luggage, leather

Play the game,
Not for kids who whistle symphonies
Looks an idiot, a bore, probably is

Real princes
Say f*** it but hope symphonies last forever

I saw myself invisible
Surrounded by ghosts whispering

Half-finished lies
That I knew were the truth
Saying it’s gone, he’s gone, she’s gone,
But still I drown into the past

Landing in the arms of what I wish I had done, said

You can’t go back, of course you can
All you have to do is find the same horse, wild-eyed and
You’re back reaching…

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