Fade Away | Teen Ink

Fade Away

September 8, 2008
By Anonymous

you sit there at the table
staring, unblinking
newspaper and coffee in your hand
cigarette butts littering the tablecloth
i run to you....silent screams for you....can you feel me reaching for you?
hey, look at this....
watch me as i fade away
watch me as i turn and run out the door
never look back
so i don't have to watch this, the end of a project
why do we carry on with our projects?
because the final act is a prayer card with your picture
of you smiling back at me
but you don't even smile back at me today
so watch me as i fade away
watch me as i fall apart

The author's comments:
This poem is about my grandfather, who died after battling lung cancer for three years...

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