Ill Never Leave | Teen Ink

Ill Never Leave

September 9, 2008
By Anonymous

So as I back away,
No one even notices,
the door is open and I'm leaving.
Conversations continue, as I'm forced to slam the door.
I knew this would happen and I saw it coming.
Casually dismissing from the memories so near,
I Find myself stepping to the alter of fear.
Fear of never finding such love that I offer,
Coming back for my return.
Ill never understand the reason for destruction.
The destruction aimed for me,
comes from the ones in my heart.
Such bitterness and hatred creeping in the corner,
Just to find that I'm still here
And the door has yet to open.
Laughter surrounds and I find myself
In a vicious cycle.
My mind is causing me to realize,
Ill never leave,
Ill always be here.

The author's comments:
I was writing this as I was lying down to go to bed. This is just what came to my mind and what I had felt at the moment. This poem expresses my emotion at the time.

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