Caught Red Handed | Teen Ink

Caught Red Handed

September 10, 2008
By Anonymous

Erik works outside,
While the sun is beating down
Pause for a glass of lemonade

Notice something in the corner,
Call in the family,
Something incredible has happened

Grab the ladder,
Pear over the edge,
Gasps all around

There sits a birds nest,
Four bright blue eggs
The mama has gone away for food

Bob, Ian, Rob, Dan
That’s what they were called
They were like family

We watched them grow,
Each and every day,
Even the mama likes us

When they hatch,
Into the oddest looking things,
Only three remain

Where’s Dan!
He is lost
We don’t know where he has gone

Dinner one night,
With a horrifying smell
Look around the back

Find the puppy,
Chomping, chomping, chomping,
On bright blue shavings

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