Why? | Teen Ink


September 10, 2008
By Paige902 BRONZE, Auburn, Washington
Paige902 BRONZE, Auburn, Washington
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Why me?
Why am I the one?
Who am I?
I’m no one
If I never lived
Nothing would change
So why bother?
Why give me life?
Why make me stand alone?
What do I mean?
I am alone
I go unnoticed
I won’t survive
In this cruel world
I’m a clam
I’m a mouse
I’m a speck of dust
Why make me?
Do I have meaning?
In this vast world
I touch the surface
Of what I need to know
I can’t do anything
I’m not right
I’m mis-fitted
I’m not special
I’m just different
I live my life
Just like anyone else
But what’s the point?
Can one person really
Stand up
And make a difference?
Why me?
What’s my purpose?
What’s my meaning?
What can I do?
What will it help?
In the end
I still feel
Like a mouse
A clam
A speck
And alone
So why?

The author's comments:
I wrote this one day when I was depressed, but I'm better now. I'm also trying to write a book but I don't think I can post it here...

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