A Father's Advice | Teen Ink

A Father's Advice

September 12, 2008
By Anonymous

You told me not to depend on anyone else.
I suppose you don't remember; I do.
I took your paternal advice and now I know I can't trust you.
It's not that I don't want to,
but when I'm sitting here without,
I know that you know and still you don't come to my rescue.
I'm glad though,
I have a real Father.
Who cares and knows all about me.
That Father's in Heaven and,
He's always here in my time of need.

The author's comments:
I wrote this poem about my father,who I love. I really wish that he'd understand that it's his obligation to be there for me and that I really do need him, whether he knows it or not. I hope that the reader will be able to fathom the hurt that I feel when I call him and he says that he's coming and he doesn't come for months or when I tell him that I need something, he doesn't show up. I want the reader to feel how I feel when I think about how a father provides and shows affection to a daughter he really loves and how my father never even cares if he see's me(or at least it seems this way). I also want the reader to understand the unconditional love of a compassionate God and how His love can fill any kind of void.

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