One step at a time | Teen Ink

One step at a time

September 12, 2008
By Anonymous

To those of you who know me you will know right away that this is more then just a simple poem...its a movement in my life;

So here i go. Maybe it will crumble but i won't know until i take the first step;

I'm ready to live on the edge you know. I rather have an unknown blessing then a sad story any day.

So I'll try just this time...

I want to live again and feel the rush of free falling just one more time;

There is some hope in this crazy pool of mine and maybe i won't drown after all;

So I'll grab on to my love ones and face another battle;

Sometimes you just got to go against your laws and they to try the freedom of living, the enjoyment of waking of, I'm not dead yet;

This goes against my logic in many ways but what can't be seen is always what we are looking for.

Don't worry about tomorrow let tomorrow worry for itself...

I'm prepared to defeat the anger that fuels my hateful words

I may be in the dark for now...

But I'm taking back the light one day at a time.

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