Twilight, When Darkness Falls on the Warsaw Ghetto | Teen Ink

Twilight, When Darkness Falls on the Warsaw Ghetto

September 12, 2008
By Anonymous

You lie in the sun
yet take no warmth from its
shadow cast long
on the grey concrete below

And yet, you live in light

The dirty window, broken
Just like you

And yet, you are whole

Your eyes once full of life,
the papery lids now shut
over them
too tired to take in
the quiet desperation
of your people

And yet, you see

Your red dress, once vibrant,
is stained with blood
your blood
inflicted by the long steel
barrels that spark flaming spit
and the
man they call

And yet, you are clean

Your hands, once able, now
boney, fingers slender
clutch onto hope abandon
not willing to purge yourself of
this gruesome Hell
that was thrust upon you
without consent

And yet, you know no evil

Your face, once youthful
has aged beyond your years
the pale skin stretched across
high cheekbones,
eyes ocher with sadness,

And yet, you are beautiful

Your heart aches from
loss unfathomed,
mourns for your family
you are alone
in this world

And yet, He is with you

As twilight falls,
hush descending
and the Earth begins
to bemoan and silently cry
tears of dew for
the plight of
her people
know only this:

You are strong
not in stature
but in heart

The author's comments:
This work was inspired by and dedicated to those who lost their lives in the Holocaust and those who continue to suffer from genocide in the world today. We have not forgotten. We remember.

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