"March Seventh" | Teen Ink

"March Seventh"

September 18, 2008
By Anonymous

Trouble bitterly calls her name.
Teasing and taunting.
Tormenting the child.
Knowing she wants to give in.
Not quite sure why.
But the rush of
Adrenaline and
Dangerous consequences
Leads her on.

The young girl held hostage
Partially against her will,
To the darkness of her being,
Born two years before her,
Month and day reversed.

It's a curse!
She has no clue why.
But she cannot
Deny thatit
feeds and leads
Her life.

She makes wrong choices,
changes her style,
Gets into things she shouldn't
Not daring to care,
Or ask why.
It's how she is,
Corrupted by darkness.

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