The Cathedral of Baseball | Teen Ink

The Cathedral of Baseball

September 18, 2008
By Anonymous

Every year about 4,661,145 people have
come to see me since I was born in 1923.
I meet plenty of talented people
especially one day this summer in particular.
I really love to see my old friends.
They come out to see me one day every summer.
I’ve outlived a lot of them, but there
is still a great group of guys around
I’m really proud of my tattoo which is an interlocking N and Y
I can honestly say that I’m happier than I’ve ever been.
It seems like all good things must come to an end.
I’m at that age when you
know your days are numbered
And for about a year now I’ve had this neighbor.
This neighbor of mine looks a lot like me, just a lot younger.
I’ve watched my acquaintance grow, eagerly.
Now I must let my protégé take the stage.
I don’t have a lot of time left and I probably
won’t even make it to October.
I know that I was part of something great and
I have certainly left a legacy behind that will last forever.

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