Graveyard | Teen Ink


September 18, 2008
By Anonymous

step by step
slowly toward the rock
that is ppolished
with your name engraved
I haven't been here
since that day
the day that they
lowered you down
into this hole
that has been filled
for quite some time
I am close now
I can pick out the stone
seeing your name wriited there
accompanied by years
makes it so final and permanent
that you are gone
never to be seen again
it is then
that iI am destroyed
I melt into the earth
my tears in such great number
that the polished oak over your body
may even feel their moisture
it will be a long time
before I return to this spot
where a polished stone
reads your name
but fret not my love
I melt into the earth
and cry tears in such great number
and feel that searing pain
and every day

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