Childhood Secrets and Small Town Dreams | Teen Ink

Childhood Secrets and Small Town Dreams

September 17, 2008
By Anonymous

Childhood secrets and small town dreams...
I wish for my innocence
to run back to me.

I've witnessed so much,
And went through it too.
You wouldn't believe
That it can ever be true.

Forced to see
But not wanting to look.
What has become of me?
What's the hook?

No more dreaming!
Secrets don't exist!
There is just so much to cross off my list.

I wish for you not to let go of anything you have.

You grab the glistening gun
As it shines in the light
Like the stars in the sky
That shines so bright.
You seemed to have aimed.
The trigger is pulled back.

Did you hear the gun kill?
My innocence has died.
Ignorance is bliss
That I have seemed to lost.

Is the faucet in
The room running?
I listen closer and
I hear your voice.
Your lies are spilling like water
from your lips unto mine with each kiss.

Nothing is the same now.
You know but you still try.
Think back now.
There's nothing you can hide.

You could have stopped this from happening,
But it wasn't worth your time.
I felt the same way.

What you did was murder.
It was also my worst crime.

Time flew by like the birds in the sky.
Everything happens so fast.
I look to the sky,
I see the stars shining brightly
As I seem to get closer to them.

I do forgive but the hardest is to forget.
But don't let them use your vulnerability
To see how far they can get.

Now my last words to keep are in our sight
Keep your mind clear of them.
Stay away from your past,
so you can keep
Everything that you may seek.

The author's comments:
I consider this nonfiction to myself though you may not understand. but after walking in my shoes you'll see clearly

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