Your Ghost | Teen Ink

Your Ghost

September 17, 2008
By Anonymous

The wind blows
I feel your ghost
It haunts me everywhere I go
It carries our memory
Your memory
It hides in places we have been
Leaving stains of lost love
It will follow me for life
That I know
Never letting my cuts heal
But cutting deeper
Releasing more pain
That I shall keep inside
and only when your ghost appears
Will my pain be shown
Through my tears
and in this pain
I keep the plans we made for us
and the future we once had
I keep the love I have for you
and the way you made me feel
These things are a part of me now
Your ghost is a part of me now
and never shall I be free
of your ghost
as it keeps haunting me

The author's comments:
My first love inspired me to write this piece. I was so in love with him and when I lost him I felt broken. To me it feels like his presence is everywhere. I will never get rid of his memory. I hope that maybe somebody will read my poem and be able to understand the feeling behind it.

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