Sweet Lullaby | Teen Ink

Sweet Lullaby

July 15, 2013
By Aurora.96 BRONZE, Walnut, California
Aurora.96 BRONZE, Walnut, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The sweet of dawn,
a golden honey dripping across
softly caressing fingers
moving against skin that trembles.

Captivating, soft murmurs
speeding up the beats
A king of allure
Until the rays of morning
banish dreams to reality.

Always on the run,
a fear that crawls within
A way out, a way in,
sprinting in circles
without forgiveness,
without acceptance.

Between the past,
between the future,
lost redemption,
far too long ago.

As the honey stirs within,
a coldness settles in
a thick, heavy burden
Lost within the mind;
eyes, forever searching
hands, forever reaching.

A cure for the hollow darkness
that envelopes completely
a traveling melody
a quintessential hope
Listen to it--
an infinite dream of sleep.

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