All Hallows' Eve | Teen Ink

All Hallows' Eve

September 21, 2013
By PaigeS SILVER, Fordoche, Louisiana
PaigeS SILVER, Fordoche, Louisiana
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:

Dark cloud filled sky
Enchanted with laughter
Witches and Ghouls search the night
Elated tyrants tramp the endless street
Staring up, giving a delighted plea

Be wary of the constant maze
Creeping spiders; lurking death
Brittle bones soon to be chilled
Be cautious; give the whispers an ear
Stories of a ruthless soul

Not all is what it seems
Entranced by candy and laughter
Unseen dangers, hiding in crooks and crannies
This night has no happily ever after
As there is no end to this disastrous delight

The author's comments:
This is a listed poem about my favorite holiday. It was originally written for a class assignment.

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