Despair of the Night | Teen Ink

Despair of the Night

December 5, 2013
By EmmaRose96 SILVER, Denver, Colorado
EmmaRose96 SILVER, Denver, Colorado
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
What would men be without women? Scare, sir, mighty scarce.

The dark of the night sounds so right;
Right for the monster hiding in clear sight.
Soul as dark as the black night;
Night is his friend, it causes him no fright.
Children cower in fear;
Fear that has made the whole kingdom veer.
But the king is determined to make them revere;
Revere for the way he can commandeer.
The king cries for the monster, the monster of despair;
Despair so great that even the king couldn’t dare.
Dare to fight, or dare to die?
Death is the only way to try.
Try his hardest, that he will.
The will of the king is a mighty thrill.
Fight they did, the monster and him;
Him with the most potent whim.
The kingdom came, to cheer him on
On and on, did the fight go on.
On through the seasons, on through the years;
Never did it seem the fight would clear.
Until one day the greatest sacrifice was made;
Made for the people, for them to be parlayed.
Parlayed they were, but not without great cost;
A cost so great, two lives were tossed.
Tossed into the great darkness they were crisscrossed.
All was be a blur.
But the kingdom was safe,
Safe from the fear that had caused so many tears.
Tears aside, they lived on;
On to a happy life, safe and sound.

The author's comments:
I wrote this for an assignment for an English class... it was supposed to resemble the story of Beowulf. Hope you enjoy!

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