true hero | Teen Ink

true hero

December 18, 2013
By ric2491 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
ric2491 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

real life hero

A man of distinguished courage, admired for there brave deeds preformed. This definition only starts to describe this amazing man. Rolihlahla Mandela one of the first men to have an impact on racial segregation. He be leaved no matter color or gender everyone should be treated with equal respect. Mandela suffered much of his life for others to live theirs more enjoyable.

Nelson Mandela born July,18th 1918 in the union of South Africa was one of the most successful people to walk on earth. Mandela fought for equilibrium among everyone by spending 27 years in jail just to prove his point. Mandela was one of the first freedom fighters outside of the united states. He influenced a lot of other country’s to follow in his footsteps. A man who didnt regret a thing that happened and could always keep a straight face to prove his point.

Mandela achieved many things no man has ever dreamed of before. He won a noble peace prize for his efforts to dismantle the apartheid system in south Africa. Mandela was the first black president of south Africa. He really showed people no matter your circumstance life can always get better. If one man can spend 27 years in jail and still become president of his country what is stopping others. He was a true hero to everyone around the world teach people patience and diversity.

Arrested in 1956 for sabotage and trying to over throw the government just to earn freedom for his fellow people. He didn’t just sit and cry the whole time he achieved many thins while in prison. He wrote many books and got a education. After he was released in 1991 he was elected ANC president. Then in 1994 only 4 years out of prison he won a noble peace prize. After touching many life all around the world Mandela stepped down after 1 year of being president.

All through his life he just wanted everyone treated the same and boy did he do that. 95 strong years of fighting for his rights. The world lost the most inspiring hero we may have every had. Mandela died a few weeks ago after his long fight with prostate cancer. A man never seen without a smile on his face no matter the circumstance. A true hero was lost on December 5 2013. Rest in peace Mandela, thank you.

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