Homework Whore | Teen Ink

Homework Whore

April 3, 2014
By barnesandnobelle GOLD, Fort Myers, Florida
barnesandnobelle GOLD, Fort Myers, Florida
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Laziness and blinded greed
Perpetuates the constant need
To keep on coming back for more,
"All hail the friendly homework w****!"

They know she works and stays on task
And lends a hand to all who ask,
So unabashed, they seek their gain
And use her for her willing brain.

She gives and gives from rote and guilt
And strives until she'll nearly wilt;
"To them I'm nothing but a mind!"
But still she does as she's assigned.

"It's too late now to brush them off,
I fear they'd only press and scoff."
So in her ways she carries on
And takes her rank as but a pawn.

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