Fishing | Teen Ink


April 9, 2014
By Awesomewriter123 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
Awesomewriter123 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
6 articles 2 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Dreams aren't what you leave behind when morning comes
They are the stuff that fill your every living moment.

The mist settles on the lake,
as a person puts their lucky fishing hat on.
Taking off in his little red boat across the lake,

Throwing a line out, sitting, waiting
the adrenaline flowing as something snagged on his line,
you bring your line in with a grin on your face hoping it would be breakfast.
The smile quickly disappears and a frown takes over when he saw it was a tiny fish.

Throwing it back with disgust and then casting out another line,
He looks out on the glass like lake when he hears a loon calling out.

The mist drifts on the lake as you catch many fish.
Making your rounds around the lake.

One last time before you go in,
you throw with all your might letting
the line hit in the right spot in the shallows.
Waiting patiently your line drifts when you get a big tug,

It starts to give a fight but he won’t let go.
Finally it gives up when he finally bring it to the surface.
his face was priceless as hanging on the end of the line was an old ratty fisherman’s boot.
He grumbled as he threw it in the boat.

By the time the mists lift he have had his share of the lake.

With a smile on his face as he can’t wait for tomorrow when he can catch even more.

The author's comments:
Me and my dad go fishing every summer and it reminded me of it

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