Angel | Teen Ink


September 17, 2014
By Provider GOLD, Peoria, Arizona
Provider GOLD, Peoria, Arizona
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Live for today, and think of tomorrow.


In my darkness I see a light

A light that shines so very bright.

It twinkles in space, like a star.

But the closer I get to it, it goes distant and far.

Then a spark, a shimmer, a sign,

My head hanging low, only to see something shine.

I look up to see her gleaming in light,

Not a star, but a moon, an angel twinkled in sight.

She smiled a beautiful smile that reflected mine,

From then on, I knew our story would entwine.

Her beauty matched that I’ve been searching,

Always wondering where she’s been lurking.

Although she wasn’t hard to see,

The distance great, between her and me.

Our friendship grew with each day’s passing,

I could feel our journey forever overlapping.

As life went on, my journey took a slight turn,

A turn away, something hard for her to learn.

Although she knew it would be better,

She didn’t want me to leave her, ever.

Then one day, with a fateful bind,

We confessed our love for the first time.

Now our roads are joined together,

And I hope it will stay like this forever.

The author's comments:

The love of my life, and the one girl I hope to be with forever. My Queen, my Goddess Diana, my Angel, you are the light in my darkness and the moon in the stary night.

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