Seeds of Tomorrow | Teen Ink

Seeds of Tomorrow

December 11, 2014
By Sarah Blaylock BRONZE, Omaha, Nebraska
Sarah Blaylock BRONZE, Omaha, Nebraska
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Life has its ups and downs.
Every day might not be the king’s crown,
And every day might not be beautiful all around.
However it creates diversity, so we don’t drown
In the monotonous actions in our own town.

I heard once, ‘The seeds of today are the flowers of tomorrow.’
This quote doesn’t have to borrow
Words from anything else, for it is as strong alone as yarrow
And though some seeds might be ones of sorrow
The day will still pass into morrow

Life will always be a mystery
But we can’t look back at our wicked history
And we can’t look to our future with a blistery
Feeling in our hearts, but rather to keep an eye on the victory
We can succeed if we believe in ourselves, even if it’s inwardly

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