Twas the Night Before States | Teen Ink

Twas the Night Before States

January 14, 2015
By Tayah BRONZE, Hanover, Michigan
Tayah BRONZE, Hanover, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Twas the night before states and through all runners' minds,

Dreams of tomorrow's race were all you could find.

Nobody could sleep, they tried with all their might,

As they hoped that they had done everything right.


Packing is done, positive words were said,

Rituals were repeated, inspirational quotes were read.

"Did I eat enough pasta?" "Was I on my feet too much?"

They hoped all their training would come into clutch.


The night grew later and soon turned to day,

Some sleep was received, runners no longer lay.

They are now in the kitchens forcing themselves to eat,

The nerves are felt from their heads to their feet.


Each runner soon arrives before their big race,

Preparing to run, making sure everything is in place;

Bibs on chests, hand warmers in shoes,

Sweats over uniforms, stomachs begin to move.


The warm up begins and ends, just a ten minute run,

It goes by so quickly, soon off will go the gun.

Starters call racers as prayers are said,

Inspirational poems  by coaches are read.


The starters give calls and do their part,

"Coaches and spectators, please move away from the start."

"On your mark," says the starter. Silence has rung.

BAM! The biggest cross country race has begun. 

The author's comments:

Running in the cross country state meet is such a great experience. I have ran in it a few times and I have loved it each time: the nerves, the excitement, I love it all. Thinking back on such great memories from states has inspired me to write this poem and go through the pre-state meet routine. I hope that when people read this, they will feel my excitement before states and understand how cool it is. 

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