College Acceptance Woes | Teen Ink

College Acceptance Woes

January 19, 2015
By Brandon Rickert SILVER, South Plainfield, New Jersey
Brandon Rickert SILVER, South Plainfield, New Jersey
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sitting down, the nerves begin to grow.
Will it be today, or will it be delayed.
Over time I have only wanted to know
If the time has come to scream hooray.

Will it be today, or will it be delayed.
On the page I now can see
If the time has come to scream hooray.
My visits here have not gone unseen.

On the page I now can see
My hopes are dashed with no change found.
My visits here have not gone unseen.
Morale falls as my head starts to pound.

My hopes are dashed with no change found.
Another day, gone with false hope.
Morale falls as my head starts to pound.
I realize an issue during my mope.

Another day, gone with false hope.
Yet this is a great time in my life.
I realize an issue during my mope.
I waste time in my strife.

Yet this is a great time in my life.
My senior year, and still
I waste time in my strife.
These days should go out with thrill.

My senior year, and still
Over time I have only wanted to know.
These days should go out with thrill.
Sitting down, the nerves begin to grow.

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