I Always Never Thought | Teen Ink

I Always Never Thought

April 28, 2015
By theunpickedmushroom_ BRONZE, Bella Vista, Arkansas
theunpickedmushroom_ BRONZE, Bella Vista, Arkansas
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

I always thought she would be there.
I never thought she would go.
She looks at me, cold stare.
Constricted lungs, no air.
I never thought she would go.

I always saw what she did not.
She never knew that I did.
Now in the ground she lays, rot.
The heart and it’s failing efforts, clot.
She never knew that I did.

I always could hear her whispers.
For they were never far away.
Now all that is left is painful, blister.
The breath of she travels in disdain, bitter.
For they were never far away.

I always thought she would be there.
I never thought she would go.
In her cold eyes, still lies a flare.
I never thought she would go.

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