Cort and Me | Teen Ink

Cort and Me

January 27, 2009
By Riot_J PLATINUM, Tonganoxie, Kansas
Riot_J PLATINUM, Tonganoxie, Kansas
28 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Live life to the fullest!!

I would have never made it this far
without your support
we've gone through so much
from lotion fights to boy trouble
to alot more
your my insiration
your will power is amazing
when I think we're breaking apart
we come back together
we're always gonna be together
even when we're old
racing eachother down the street on are motor scooters
I'll always remember are first weird drink we made together
the silly dances we've learned
guy problems we had to suffer through
you wantin to be like everyone else
and the most important how much I luvs you

The author's comments:
I luv you cort I hope we stay frends 4ever


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