Sister Sister | Teen Ink

Sister Sister

November 12, 2015
By casscass2430 BRONZE, Halloween Town, Louisiana
casscass2430 BRONZE, Halloween Town, Louisiana
3 articles 0 photos 3 comments

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Every single move I make is opposite of my sister
I say left, she goes right
I’m blonde, she’s fiery red
I’m chill, she’s drama
I’m “Whatever,” she’s “Oh my God!”

She is the sun and I am the moon
Only passing once a day by force
She’s up all day, I’m out all night
She’s shining for all to see, I’m a soft glow in the night
She’s attacking people with her rays, I’m waxing and waning
She’s rising early in the morning, I’m never awake

We will never be the same
We only pass each other by force
She’s vanilla, I’m chocolate
She’s the egg, I’m the chicken
She is mom, I am dad

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