Angelic | Teen Ink


December 17, 2015
By EvaRogers BRONZE, Akeley, Minnesota
EvaRogers BRONZE, Akeley, Minnesota
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Like, from myself?
Uh... (to my brother, who said he should've been raised in a bathtub:)
"Nathan, if you lived in the bathtub, what would we feed you? Would we feed you fish food, and you'd swim up to the top and suck it in like a fish?"

Every time I see her,

A big smile breaks across my face.

And one smile from her

Is enough to make my pulse race.


When I'm with her,

I'm never alone.

She is my angel.

She is my own.


When we are together,

Even death seems funny.

To me, she is sweet,

Like factory-made honey.


Her angelic blue eyes

Make me think of Washington's sea.

It's where I was born.

It's where I wish to be.


If the longing of the sea air ever arises,

I look at my own personal sea:

Her salt-water blue irises.


Everything about her is angelic,

It seems.

The only things missing...

Are her feathery wings.

The author's comments:

Weirdly enough, I came up with this while reading City of Ashes. I started thinking about her, my girlfriend, and realized how much her eyes remind me of the sea I was raised near, on Washington state's coast.

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