Judgement | Teen Ink


January 14, 2016
By SecretHeart SILVER, Harper, Kansas
SecretHeart SILVER, Harper, Kansas
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I may not be smart,
Nor am I tall...
I’m not cool, or pretty
But what defines us all?

Does the color of my skin
Mean I’ll end up in jail?
Do my hand-me-downs
Mean mommy failed?

My hair may be auburn,
My eyes, deep brown,
But the more you look,
Do you ever see me frown?

You may be ashamed,
embarrassed for my sake.
But atleast I know that when I sleep
Unlike you, I’m not fake.

Why is it, in this world,
We’re all so keen to judge?
Why can’t you step back a step,
And see the way I trudge?

Because, the way I am,
Makes my mommy proud.
I smile brightly, Stand tall,
And always speak up loud.

I never wish to be different,
Never want to change.
Because when I look you in the eyes,
It’s not me who’s strange.

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